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Thomas & Friends [E-audiobook] : The Railway Stories. Vol. 1

"The Railway Stories "

Autor: Awdry, Wilbert Vere

Thomas the Tank Engine has been delighting children for over 60 years. He first puffed his way out of the station in a series of hugely popular books, then he appeared on television and even starred in his own movie! Now you can enjoy three original adventures about the little steam train and his friends, and listen to some songs about him too."Three Railway Engines" - the first book in the famous Railway Series. Edward, Gordon and Henry live in the same shed and are always boasting and

quarrelling amongst themselves. But after a series of adventures, they find that it is best to be good friends and to help each other. The titles are: "Edward`s Day Out", "Edward and Gordon", "The Sad Story of Henry and Edward", and "Gordon and Henry"."Thomas the Tank Engine" - Thomas is a fussy, cheeky little tank engine whom we meet here for the first time. In one story, Gordon teaches him a lesson. Eventually, Thomas proves to be such a Really Useful Engine that he is given a Branch Line all to himself. The titles include: "Thomas and Gordon", "Thomas` Train", "Thomas and the Trucks" and "Thomas and the Breakdown Train". "James the Red Engine" - in these three stories, James, who has been given a shining new coat of red paint to cheer him up after his accident, gets hiccoughs, needs a repair to his brake pipes, has trouble with his trucks and pulls the Express after Gordon loses his way. The titles are: "James and the Top Hat", "James and the Bootlace", "Troublesome Trucks" and "James and the Express". It`s full steam ahead with these three fantastic books!

Zobacz pełny opis
Odpowiedzialność:written by the Reverend W. Awdry.
Seria:BBC Audio
Hasła:Tomek (parowóz ; postać fikcyjna)
Opowiadania i nowele
Literatura angielska
Adres wydawniczy:[Wielka Brytania] : BBC Audiobooks Ltd , 2006.
Czas odtwarzania:117 minut
Uwagi:Based on The Railway Series by The Rev. W. Awdry. Na okładce: Includes original Thomas Songs. Miejsce wydania wg strony internetowej wydawcy.
Forma gatunek:Audiobooki. Proza.
Powstanie dzieła:2006 r.
Wykonawcy:Czyta: Michael Angelis.
Opis fizyczny:Plik dźwiękowy Mp3: 76 MB
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Odbiorcy:Dzieci. 0-5 lat. 6-8 lat.
Skocz do:Inne pozycje tego autora w zbiorach biblioteki
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Wyp. Nr 124
ul. Berensona 38

Sygnatura: E. 156
Numer inw.: 156
Dostępność: wypożyczana na 14 dni


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